Tag Archives: Al Tesoro

‘Explosion’ of tourism-related activities

If there is one office at the Capiz provincial capitol that has been keeping itself so busy since last year, it’s no other than the Capiz Provincial Tourism Office.

Roxas City, Capiz – With no less than the indefatigable and restless Al Tesoro at the helm (with his equally hardworking staff), the tourism office has been in the forefront in all practically tourism and culture-related activities of the province. In fact, there appears to be no let up in the holding of such activities since the assumption of Governor Victor Tanco into the post. To his credit, Tanco as well as his department heads has been very much supportive of all the tourism-related endeavors mounted by Tesoro and his staff. Slowly and surely, Capiceños, it seems, are seeing the beauty and importance of their cultural heritage, particularly in helping “sell” their province not only to foreign but also to domestic tourists.

It also helps that the National Commission for Culture and the Arts has very supportive of all the local tourism office undertakings. Its’ good that Sir Tesoro is maximizing his “connection” with the NCCA for the welfare and advantage of culture and the arts sector in captivating Capiz. Continue reading

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