‘Explosion’ of tourism-related activities

If there is one office at the Capiz provincial capitol that has been keeping itself so busy since last year, it’s no other than the Capiz Provincial Tourism Office.

Roxas City, Capiz – With no less than the indefatigable and restless Al Tesoro at the helm (with his equally hardworking staff), the tourism office has been in the forefront in all practically tourism and culture-related activities of the province. In fact, there appears to be no let up in the holding of such activities since the assumption of Governor Victor Tanco into the post. To his credit, Tanco as well as his department heads has been very much supportive of all the tourism-related endeavors mounted by Tesoro and his staff. Slowly and surely, Capiceños, it seems, are seeing the beauty and importance of their cultural heritage, particularly in helping “sell” their province not only to foreign but also to domestic tourists.

It also helps that the National Commission for Culture and the Arts has very supportive of all the local tourism office undertakings. Its’ good that Sir Tesoro is maximizing his “connection” with the NCCA for the welfare and advantage of culture and the arts sector in captivating Capiz.

Just last week, Capiz observed “tourism week“. One activity that, for me, had an impact was the photo exhibit on Gaisano Marketplace. Through those beautiful photos, one virtually got a substantial “glimpse” of all the province’s tourist attractions.

Prior to the photo exhibit, there was a forum on “Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change” held at the Hall of Governors. This was followed by SID-ING (Glimpse), an interactive exhibit showcasing destinations in Capiz.

SID-ING, by the way, was mounted by the provincial government in cooperation with the Organization of Tourism Officers of Capiz.

Then on Sept. 27 was the launching of the “First Capiz Dance Season” at the Capiz provincial park. The park, by the way, will be rehabilitated to further enhance its ambiance thus, making it truly a people’s park. The governor has already indicated in several occasions that he would work for the rehabilitation of the park. Go for it, governor!

Though I failed to attend its launching on Sept. 27, I saw to it to be around during the Dance Season’s first presentation last Oct. 4, which was mounted by the ever-active Dagway Sigmahanon Inc. The presentation would thereafter then be held every Saturday of the month and would culminate with the Grand Binayle on Dec. 30.

It’s good to see the governor, along with provincial legal officer Jose Villanueva and Sigma Mayor Maria Andaya, very much around during the presentation.

Other participating performing groups and their scheduled performances are:
Capiz National High School Dance Troupe ( Oct. 11), Tapaz Cultural and Performing Arts (Oct. 18), Gen Txt (Oct. 25),, CPC High and CPC Dance Troupe (Nov. 8), Filamer Christian College Dance Troupe (Nov. 15), Handurawan Cultural Dance Troupe (Nov. 22), Hugyaw Cultural Group (Nov. 29), Tribu Kasadyahan (Dec. 6), Caguyuman Dance Troupe (Dec. 13), CapSU Main Campus Dance Troupe (Dec. 20) and Sinadya Dance Troupe (Dec. 27).

So, every Saturday, at 6 p.m., make it a habit to go to the provincial park and be enriched by our rich cultural heritage conveyed through songs and dances by our local performers. See you there!

by Gerry T. Pagharion, eye Opener, The Capiz Times

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