Hil-o Hil-o: Maayonanons Way of Life

Hil-o hil-o Of Maayon CapizThe etymological origin of the word is up to now yet unknown, but its concept as practiced in our way of life over the years has been very visible and already firmly assimilated in the culture of Maayonanons.

Hil-o Hil-o is reciprocity that demonstrates mutual interdependence among our people. It expressed itself in many forms and in many ways. It could simply be taking turns in helping one another to make a heavy work for one becomes lighter. It can also be rendering services or giving material donation for a relative, a friend or a neighbor who is holding a very important affair in the family.

Maayon Town FiestaAll through the years, the Maayonanons, generation after generation has preserved this peculiar desirable trait in our community. Nurtured by experience and guided by the admonition of our elders to think well of others, Hil-o Hil-o is now deeply assimilated into the culture of the Maayonanons.

Certainly, it will stay and last forever. We are wont to it already. Furthermore, it is a positive attribute that should be kept forever, that helps Maayonanons become more cohesive.

Hil-o Hil-o , the Maayonanons way of life.

by: Billy Dueñas


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4 responses to “Hil-o Hil-o: Maayonanons Way of Life

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